Please join us on November 6, 2023 for this special FUNdraiser for the Museum!
Click below button to Reserve Tickets ($25 per person).
Payment may be made online or by check.
Thank you for considering an additional donation to benefit the Museum when you reserve your ticket(s) using the above “Tickets” button.
All reservations will be held at the door. No tickets will be mailed.
NEW! Live-streaming now available.
To Reserve via Zoom,CLICK HERE
$10 donation applies.
Not able to join us on November 6? Please consider a gift in any amount to help ensure the success of this benefit event. Click the “Donate Now” button to make tax-deductible donation now. If you prefer to donate by check, please click the “Reply Form” button to download a form to mail to our PO Box with your gift.
Event Contact, Kathleen Papp: NewportIrishHistory@gmail.com or (401) 236-2624.