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Michael Feldberg, Ph.D., Exec. Dir. George Washington Institute for Religious Freedom, ( “When Irish-American Catholic Churches Burned: The Philadelphia Bible Riots of 1844.”

The 1830s and 1840s were arguably the lowest moment for Irish Catholics in American history. Michael Feldberg will recall those difficult years by recounting the attacks by xenophobic Protestants (including some Orangemen) on two Irish Catholic churches in Philadelphia, one of which was burned to the ground. The immigrant Irish Catholics fought back, and several

Scott Molloy, Ph.D. ” Rhode Island Irish Socio-Economic Progress: From “Shanty” to “Lace Curtain” during the Gilded Age”

Irish immigrants faced a punishing arrival in our state, and their forward progress over the years was not much kinder. By the end of the 1800s, Rhode Island Irish had at least progressed from “shanty” Irish to “lace curtain” status in some quarters. Prof. Molloy will discuss the conditions in Providence’s Irish-dominated Fifth Ward (Newport