Title: Ireland: a terrible beauty. The story of Ireland today [by] Leon Uris and Jill Uris.
Author: Uris, Leon. Uris, Jill
Publisher: Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday. 1975 Pages: 288.
Subject: Ireland -- Northern Ireland.
Category: Ireland ISBN: 0-385-07563-4
LCC #: DA906.U74 1978 Remarks: 2 Copies
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Author: Uris, Leon. Uris, Jill
Publisher: Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday. 1975 Pages: 288.
Subject: Ireland -- Northern Ireland.
Category: Ireland ISBN: 0-385-07563-4
LCC #: DA906.U74 1978 Remarks: 2 Copies
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