
19th Annual Crowley Lecture Series reaches a record audience….Welcome to our new members

19th Annual Crowley Lecture Series reaches a record audience….Welcome to our new members

It’s a Wrap! 19th Annual Crowley Lecture Series reaches a record audience

Mike Slein - resized
May 1, 2021
Dear Fellow Members,
Our 19th Annual Michael F. Crowley Lecture Series concluded on April 21 with a wonderful talk by Dr. Janet Nolan in which she shared her family’s Irish immigrant experience — a story echoed in millions of Irish-American families. We thank you, our members, for your interest and support of this 100%-virtual series presented via Zoom, necessitated by the pandemic.
I am delighted to share that this series of five Zoom talks between September 2020 and April 2021 attracted a record 1,105 registrations! Our pre-pandemic, in-person lecture venue accommodates 150 persons per talk, so we have reached a much larger audience than we ever thought possible — especially when you consider that a Zoom reservation might represent more than one person watching the presentation on a shared device. A large percentage of those who tuned in were non-Museum members, and many have since joined our ranks. These are the “silver linings” in the pandemic, for which we are grateful.
We eagerly look to the fall when we kick off the 20th Annual Crowley Series and hope to again meet in person. We certainly all miss the social aspect of our gatherings. Our group includes a good number of longtime members who are not Internet users so, for them, Zoom was not an option. We especially look forward to welcoming these friends back in person.
Our current plan is to again present in-person lectures, possibly with reduced capacity, should covid conditions require, supplemented by live-streaming and videotaping. Museum members of record will receive priority for tickets for the seats at the talks and reception that traditionally follows. Those who cannot be offered a seat at a fully-reserved lecture will be invited to join us remotely or enjoy the videotape later.
Please read on for links to recordings of all five 19th Annual Series talks, for our preliminary plans for the new series, and some other important updates. Also, if you missed our last monthly members E-Newsletter, please CLICK HERE to review.
Slán agus beannacht (stay well),
Mike Slein
President, Board of Directors
(401) 855-5097 – mobile
PS — Please be sure to read the last article re. Membership Renewals!
2020-21 Crowley Lecture Series Recap:
April 21, 2021
When Harry Met Mary Ann:
An Irish Family in an American City
Guest Speaker: Dr. Janet Nolan
Link to Recording: HERE
March 16, 2021
How Hard Wuld it be to Dig a Ditch Anyhow?:
How the Irish Saved the Blackstone Canal
Guest Speaker: Mr. Chuck Arning
Link to Recording: HERE
Feb. 10, 2021
Politics, Bigotry and Nativism:
Rhode Island’s Catholic Irish in the
1842 Dorr Rebellion
Guest Speaker: Dr. Erik Chaput
Link to Recording click HERE
Nov. 6, 2020
Famine Memories:
Terence MacSwiney’s
1920 Hunger Strike
Guest Speaker: Dr. Joseph Lennon
Link to Recording click HERE
Sept. 24, 2020
Here is the Church, Here is the Steeple,
Open the Door and see at the People:
Newport’s early Irish community and
Rhode Island’s first Catholic church”
Guest Speaker: Mr. Steve Marino
Lecture Handouts click HERE
Link to Recording click HERE
thank you organge and green
THANK YOU to our five wonderful guest speakers, the lecture attendees, and all who have made the 19th Annual Crowley Series possible.
Special thanks to our board member and “Zoom Guru,” DAN TITUS, without whom we could not have brought these events into your home during this challenging time.
2021-22 Crowley Lecture Series Update:
We are pleased to share preliminary plans for the kick-off of the 20th Annual Crowley Series:
September 2021
Topic: Irish and Black Collaboration in Gilded Age Newport
Guest Speakers: Dr. John Quinn & Mr. Keith Stokes
October 2021
Topic: Irish in Domestic Service with a spotlight on Irish who worked in Newport’s Gilded Age Mansions
Guest Speaker: Dr. Margaret Lynch-Brennan,
author of:
“The Irish Bridget: Irish Immigrant Women in Domestic Service
in America, 1840-1930″
In collaboration with a to-be-announced guest speaker from the Preservation Society of Newport County
Details, including dates, venue, and format to be announced closer to the the fall, as well as additional talks in the new series.
Between now and the fall, we hope to be in the position to
some additional, non-lecture programs that might be enjoyed virtually. Please stay tuned!
New Member Welcome:
We extend a warm Welcome” to the new members who joined since the beginning of 2021.
A shout out, as well, to the existing members who have joined the ranks of our “Life” Members.
Thank you for your generous support of our Mission!
Click the below buttons to read the names.

Interpretive Center Update:
Interpretive Center_Nov 2019 by Allan Millora
Our Interpretive Center on Lower Thames Street remains closed to the public on a walk-in basis due to the pandemic and private visits by appointment continue.
To arrange a private visit for small parties, please send an email to and include your name, phone, the number in the party, and preferred date(s) and time. We’ll get back to you swiftly.
Masks will be required and social distancing protocols will be in place. You can also enjoy a ‘virtual tour’ of the Center by clicking HERE.
Note: We hope to be in the position to return to regularly scheduled public hours this coming Season, subject to covid-19 state guidelines and the status of vaccines among our volunteer docents. Safety remains our #1 concern.
Traditionally, the Center is open to the public from Memorial Day Weekend through the end of October, Thurs., Fri., Sat. and Sunday, from noon to 5pm
Last but not Least:
It’s Membership Renewal Season!
reminder clip art
Those with Annual (vs. Life) memberships who have not recently renewed are due for renewal at this time. Our membership year runs concurrent with our Fiscal Year, Apr. 1 to March 31. The yearly membership fee remains $20 for Individual memberships and $30 for Family/Household memberships (covering all living at the same address).
THANK YOU to those who have already renewed!
If you have not yet made your payment, please renew NOW by clicking the below Green button to reach the Membership page on our website where you can pay with a credit/debit card or existing PayPal account. You will receive an immediate e-receipt. Quick & easy!
If you are mailing in a check to our PO Box, you need not complete a Membership Form if your contact info. has not changed. Checks payable to “MNIH” with “Membership” in the memo section.
Your renewal at this time helps save time and reduce printing and postage expense associated with membership renewal letters in the mail, enabling more of your donation to support our programming and the Interpretive Center. Thanks again!
Questions about your Membership status?
Please write to Ann at or phone her at 401-841-5493 and she’ll get right back to you.
This this e-news with your friends on Social Media via these links:
Museum of Newport Irish History
Mailing: PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840
Interpretive Center: 648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840
Click Here for Museum Board of Directors Contact Info.
The Mission of the Museum of Newport Irish History is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate research on Irish history and heritage.