
November News: Reserve now for Nov. 14 “Kerry Hill” Lecture

November News: Reserve now for Nov. 14 “Kerry Hill” Lecture

November 3, 2022

Dear Members

We certainly have had some strange weather this autumn — some cold days, rainy ones, and then a few glorious days! The weather though has not stopped the activities of the Museum. It has been a very busy season for Museum members and friends.

  • The first two talks of our 21st Annual Lecture Series were presented September 19 (Dr. Elizabeth Stack) and October 18 (Raymond J. McKenna), in person at the Wyndham Newport Hotel and virtually, via Zoom. If you were not able to join us, please enjoy the recordings by visiting the “Lectures” page on our website (look for the “Video” button).
  • Tours of the historic Barney Street Cemetery were given by Steve Marino on four Sundays this fall. If you were not able to attend a tour, information about the cemetery site, central to the history of Newport’s early Irish community, may be found on the Cemetery Tours page of our website (check out the links under the large photo on the left).
  • Our Interpretive Center on Lower Thames Street operated on its pre-pandemic schedule of 4 days per week. We closed for the 2022 Season October 30. Private tours in the off-season may be arranged, just send us an email). Huge thanks to our volunteer docents who made the 2022 Season a success!
  • The 3 self-guided walking tour brochures have been well received and we’re poised for a third printing.
  • Our Board has begun work on a strategic plan, including efforts to refresh our Interpretive Center.

Please scroll down for our latest news, including the much anticipated next talk of our 21st Annual Lecture Series, to be presented Monday, November 14 at 6pm with guest speaker, Dr. Kurt Schlichting. This will be the final lecture of the 2022 calendar year, but the series will continue in the first part of 2023. Please reserve now if you plan to attend.

Finally, the Board extends a special welcome to our newest members, who joined since our e-newsletter of Oct. 10.

Best regards,

Your Board of Directors,

Deanna J. Conheeny, President

(click here for board list and contact info)

21st Annual Lecture Series:

Next talk Nov. 14

Halpin grocery store in Kerry Hill 1875

To learn about this photo scroll down.

Ethnic Enclaves:

Newport’s Kerry Hill Irish

in 19th & early 20th Century 

Lecture made possible by a generous gift from

The Fastnet Pub

The third talk of our 2022-23 Lecture Series Annual  will be presented on Monday, October 14 at 6 pm, by guest speaker, Dr. Kurt S. Schlichting, at our wonderful new venue, Wyndham Newport Hotel, 240 Aquidneck Avenue, Middletown, R.I., just across the Newport border.

Dr. Schlichting’s illustrated talk will be live-streamed via Zoom for those who are unable to join us in person for the talk, Q&A,

and reception with complementary light hors d’oeuvres to follow (cash bar).

As always, reservations are requested and a modest fee will be charged for members attending the lecture and reception in person. 

Click for Talk Overview & Speaker Bio
Click to Reserve to attend IN-PERSON
Click to Reserve to attend via ZOOM

If you previously reserved and received your

e-confirmation, you are all set.   

Questions or need assistance with your registration?

Please reach out to Ann Arnold, Lecture Series Coordinator,

at or (401) 841-5494,

and she’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

This is a great time to invite your non-member family and friends to attend our talks and become a member!

Those who join to attend a lecture are not assessed the $5 per person lecture fee, just pay the 1-year Annual Membership fee of $20 Individual ($30 Family/Household). It’s our “welcome” gift to them. Questions/Suggestions/Comments:  

Please contact Ann at


The grocery store shown in the above photo was operated by Patrick Halpin and located on Tanner Street in Newport’s “Kerry Hill” neighborhood.

Tanner Street was renamed West Broadway, and renamed again, 

Dr. Marcus Wheatland Boulevard, in 1994.

The photo taken in 1875 by J.A. (Joshua Appleby) Williams.

Williams (1817-1892) was a photographer working in Newport from 1847 to 1885.

His studio was called “Joshua A. Williams’ Photograph Rooms” and was located on South Touro Street near Bath Road (now named Bellevue Ave. and Memorial Blvd.).

A majority of his work was producing stereoviews, although it seems he produced daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, and albumen silver prints as well.

Photo Source: From the collections of Providence Public Library

(Identifier: VM013_GF5838)

This photo appears on one of the panels at the Museum’s Interpretive Center,

within the “Work” theme. The photo also appears in Maureen A. Taylor’s book, “Picturing Rhode Island: Images of Everyday Life, 1850-2006”

(Commonwealth Editions, 2007)

Our thanks to Patrick Halpin descendant, Carla Francis,

longtime Museum member and volunteer docent.

Johnnys restaurant logo

Our Wyndham Newport lecture hosts invite you to dine at their on-site restaurant, Johnny’s, before or after the Nov. 14 6:00 pm lecture.

Their popular three-course $17 “Early Bird” menu will be in effect, from 3-6pm (regular dinner menu/pricing will be in effect the blanch of the evening). 


are strongly encouraged

Click HERE for Johnny’s website. When you click the “Menu” option, be sure to scroll all the way down to see each menu page graphic to click and view. “Early Bird” is on far-right.

Phone for reservations: (401) 847-2750.

Irish Music & Dance Performance – Nov. 26

We are delighted to share this opportunity to enjoy the talents of our own Museum member and award-winning Traditional Irish Step Dance and American Tap Dancer, Kevin T. Doyle, and his group, Thanksgiving Weekend at the Blackstone River Theater in Cumberland, R.I. Details below. Click on the photo for link to the theater and tickets, then scroll down to Nov. 26.

Roscommon Soles performance Nov 2022


After a 2-year hiatus due to the pandemic, we look forward to reprieving our popular Christmas Open House.

Please Save the Date, Saturday, Dec. 10, 2022 from 12 noon to 4:30 pm. A “Christmas in Newport event. Details to come! 

6th annual Christmas Open House

Museum of Newport Irish History

Established 1996

a 501c3 non-profit organization

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840

Interpretive Center:

648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840

Click Here for Museum Board of Directors Contact Info. and list of deceased board members, fondly remembered.

The MISSION of the Museum of Newport Irish History is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate

research on Irish history and heritage.

Visit our Website
Membership Renewals

You are invited: Oct. 18 Lecture at Wyndham Newport Hotel and via Zoom

You are invited: Oct. 18 Lecture at Wyndham Newport Hotel and via Zoom

October 10, 2022

Dear Members

We hope you are having a most enjoyable fall season!

Our autumn events thus far have been well attended and well received by members and friends, including the kick-off to our 21st Annual Lecture Series on September 19, which featured Dr. Elizabeth Stack. If you were unable to join us in person or via Zoom for “Immigrant Activists: Irish Americans who Built a Better Society,” you can enjoy the recording of the presentation by visiting the “Lectures” page of our website, where you may also access a treasure trove of past lecture videos.

The second talk in our 2022-23 lecture series is fast-approaching on Tuesday, October 18 at 6pm, featuring Raymond J. McKenna.

If you plan to join us Oct. 18, in person at the Wyndham Newport Hotel or via Zoom, please made your reservations now  if you have not already done so. Please read on for lecture details and the links to reserve, and other Museum happenings.

Finally, we extend a warm “Welcome” to our newest members, those who joined since our last e-newsletter of September 14. We hope to have a chance to meet you in person soon, if we have not already

Best regards,

Your Board of Directors,

Deanna J. Conheeny, President

(click here for board list and contact info)

21st Annual Lecture Series

Emevayle_Ann McKenna photo (2022)

Emyvale, County Monaghan, Ireland. Photo by Ann McKenna (2022)

Second talk of our 2022-2023 Lecture Series

Tuesday, October 18 at 6 pm (EST)

From Emyvale to Providence:

A Deep Dive into 19th Century

Chain Migration

Lecture made possible by a generous gift from

Margaret Armstrong Murray,

Given in Memory of her husband, Vincent J. Murray

Raymond J. McKenna, independent researcher and guest speaker, whose work appears on his blog,, will join us in person at our wonderful new lecture venue, Wyndham Newport Hotel, 240 Aquidneck Avenue, Middletown, R.I. 02842, just across the Newport line.

Ray’s lecture will be also be live-streamed via Zoom for those who are unable to join us in person for the talk, Q&A, and cash-bar reception to follow. Scroll down for link to talk overview and speaker bio.

Reservations are required and a modest fee/donation is requested from those attending the lecture and reception in person (no fee for those attending via Zoom). Please reserve using the below GREEN buttons.

Above: Photo of a portion of the digital restoration of America’s oldest surviving theater drop-scene, owned by The Rhode Island Historical Society,

depicting Providence, as seen from Federal Hill, circa 1809-1810.

Click Here for Talk Overview & Speaker Bio
Headshot Raymond J. McKenna

Raymond J. McKenna, Independent Researcher

Click to Reserve to attend IN-PERSON
Click to Reserve to attend via ZOOM

If you previously reserved and received your

e-confirmation, you are all set.  

Questions or need assistance with your registration?

Please reach out to Ann Arnold, Lecture Series Coordinator,

at or (401) 841-5494,

and she’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Johnnys restaurant logo

Our Wyndham Newport hosts invite you to dine at their on-site restaurant, Johnny’s, before or after the 6:00 pm lecture.

Their popular three-course $17 “Early Bird” menu will be in effect, from 3-6pm (regular dinner menu/pricing will be in effect the blanch of the evening). 


are strongly encouraged

Click HERE for Johnny’s website. When you click the “Menu” option, be sure to scroll all the way down to see each menu page graphic to click and view. “Early Bird” is on far-right.

Phone for reservations: (401) 847-2750.

This is a great time to invite your non-Member

family & friends to attend our talks and become a member! Those who join to attend a lecture are not assessed the $5 per person lecture fee, just pay the 1-year Annual Membership fee of $20 Individual ($30 Family/Household). It’s our “welcome gift” to them. Questions/Suggestions/Comments:  

Please contact Ann at

Please mark your calendar for the 3rd lecture in our 2022-2023 series:

Mon. Nov.14 at 6pm

Wyndham Newport Hotel & via Zoom

Speaker: Dr.Kurt Schlichting


Newport’s Kerry Hill neighborhood

Talk overview, speaker bio, link to reserve to come, via mail, website, and e-news.

Historic Irish Cemetery Tours

sept 11 Cemetery Tour_Photo by Denise Brown_

Photo by Denise Brown

The final of the four fall tours of the historic Barney Street Cemetery will be offered Sunday, Oct. 30 at 1:00 pm.

The tour of the final resting place of many of Newport’s early Irish immigrants and site of Rhode Island’s first Catholic church, is approximately 30 minutes long, and will be given by popular local historian and guide, Steve Marino, who is also a member of our board of directors, a past lecture series speaker, and the manager of our Interpretive Center on Lower Thames Street.

Tours are given weather-permitting. A light rain won’t stop the tour, but torrential downfalls and high winds will result in a cancellation. No fee.


(click below orange button)

Can’t join us in person?  Click the below button for resources, including directions and links to videos and articles about this site, so central to the history of Newport’s early Irish immigrants.

Click for Reservations & Info.

Below photos are from the first tour of the Fall 2022 series, on Sun. Sept. 11.

Guide, Steve Marino, is in short-sleeved green shirt.

Photos by Tim May

Interpretive Center Closes for Season Oct. 30

Interpretive Center

Photos by Allan Millora

The Museum’s Interpretive Center, which opened for the 2022 Season Memorial Day Weekend, will be closing on Sunday, October 30 at 5:00 p.m.  Especially if you are a new member and have not yet had the opportunity, we hope you will plan to visit soon.

Public hours are 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (closed Mon-Wed). The Center is staffed by Museum member-volunteer docents, the “face” of our organization to visitors from near and far.

Visitors to the Center will learn about Irish immigration to Newport County from the colonial era to the present and of the many contributions made to our community by individuals of Irish descent. The exhibits include maps, photographs, artwork, models, video, oral histories and artifacts, including some from the construction of nearby Fort Adams, which was built with Irish immigrant labor.

  • The Center is located at 648 Lower Thames Street, just south of Narragansett Avenue.
  • Free parking is available on the street (no Newport resident parking sticker required during Center operating hours.
  • Or leave your car and take the free “Hop on, Hop Off” trolley transportation via bus Route 67, which leaves the 23 Americas Cup Transportation Center. Get off at Bellevue & Narragansett and walk 2 blocks west to Thames Street.
  • Click HERE for map and directions.
  • Admission is free for members of the Museum of Newport Irish History and by donation for others.

Note: Private visits to the Center on alternative days/times and in the off-season may be arranged with adequate lead time. To inquire: 

Membership Renewals

Thank You to all with Annual (vs. Life) Memberships

who have already paid their dues for the

2022-2023 Membership Year,

which runs April 1, 2022 to March 31,2023.

We are still anticipating payments from

approximately 120 whose memberships

lapsed as of April 1, 2022, or previously.

Thank you submitting payment at your first opportunity.

Individual Membership – $20

Family/Household – $30

 NOTE: This is a general reminder that all members are seeing in this e-newsletter. It does not mean that your specific membership is necessarily lapsed.

If you are unsure of your membership status  — before making a payment — please email

Ann Arnold at or phone her at 401-841-5493 and she’ll get right back to you.

 Click to Renew Online by CARD
 Click to download Form to pay by MAIL

Museum of Newport Irish History

Established 1996

a 501c3 non-profit organization

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840

Interpretive Center:

648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840

Click Here for Museum Board of Directors Contact Info. and list of deceased board members, fondly remembered.

The MISSION of the Museum of Newport Irish History is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate

research on Irish history and heritage.

Visit our Website

September News: Lecture Series kicks off, Cemetery Tours back by popular demand, More!

September News: Lecture Series kicks off, Cemetery Tours back by popular demand, More!

September 3, 2022

Dear Members

We hope you’ve had a most enjoyable summer! September will be an activity-packed month, and we look forward to seeing many of you at one or more of our happenings, in-person in Newport, or “virtually.”

The Board extends a special welcome to our newest members, those who joined in the June-August time period. We hope to have a chance to meet you in person this fall.

Please read on for all the latest news, including the kick-off of our our 21st Annual Lecture Series, our fall Irish cemetery tours, and an update on the 2022 Annual Appeal.  

Please keep in mind that reservations are required for most of our events. Should you have questions or need assistance, one of us will get back to you swiftly.

Best regards,

Your Board of Directors,

Deanna J. Conheeny, President

(click here for board list and contact info)

PS – if you missed our last e-news of Aug. 5, please click to read.

PPS-don’t forget to take our 1-minute survey. Scroll to bottom and look for the shiny penny!

Historic Irish Cemetery Tours

Sept 2021 by Jennifer Carter cropped

Tours of the historic Barney Street Cemetery will be offered on the following Sundays at 1:00 pm


Sept. 25

Oct. 9

Oct. 30

These tours of the final resting place of many of Newport’s early Irish immigrants and site of Rhode Island’s first Catholic church, are approximately 30 minutes long, and will be given by popular local historian and guide, Steve Marino, who is also a member of our board of directors, a past lecture series speaker, and the manager of our Interpretive Center on Lower Thames Street.

Tours are given weather-permitting. A light rain won’t stop the tour, but torrential downfalls and high winds will result in a cancellation. No fee.


(click below orange button)

Can’t join us in person?  Click the below button for resources, including directions and links to videos and articles about this site, so central to the history of Newport’s early Irish immigrants.

Photo by Jennifer Carter

Click for Reservations & Info.

21st Annual Lecture Series

Immigrant Activists_sept 2022 lecture graphic

Immigrant Activists:

Irish Americans who Built a Better Society

Lecture made possible by a generous gift from Virginia Pittsley,

given in memory of her husband, Bill Pittsley, and their son, Jay Pittsley

We are delighted to announce that the first talk of our 2022-23 Lecture Series  — our 21st Annual  —  will be presented on Monday, September 19 at 6 pm (EST), per the flyer members recently received in the mail.

Dr. Elizabeth Stack, Executive Director of the Irish American Heritage Museum (Albany, NY), who presented via Zoom to our members from near and far to rave reviews last February, will be joining us in person at our wonderful new venue, Wyndham Newport Hotel, 240 Aquidneck Avenue, Middletown, R.I., just across the Newport border.

Dr. Stack’s lecture will be live-streamed via Zoom for those who are unable to join us in person for the talk, Q&A, and cash-bar reception to follow.

As always, reservations will be required and a modest fee will be charged for members attending the lecture and reception in person. 

Click for Talk Overview & Speaker Bio
Click to Reserve to attend IN-PERSON
Click to Reserve to attend via ZOOM

If you previously reserved and received your

e-confirmation, you are all set.   

Questions or need assistance with your registration?

Please reach out to Ann Arnold, Lecture Series Coordinator,

at or (401) 841-5494,

and she’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

This is a great time to invite your non-member family and friends to attend our talks and become a member! Those who join to attend a lecture are not assessed the $5 per person lecture fee, just pay the 1-year Annual Membership fee of $20 Individual ($30 Family/Household). It’s our “welcome” gift to them. Questions/Suggestions/Comments:  

Please contact Ann at

Johnnys restaurant logo

Our Wyndham Newport hosts invite you to dine at their on-site restaurant, Johnny’s, before or after the 6:00 pm lecture.

Their popular three-course $17 “Early Bird” menu will be in effect, from 3-6pm (regular dinner menu/pricing will be in effect the blanch of the evening). 


are strongly encouraged

Click HERE for Johnny’s website. When you click  the “Menu” option, be sure to scroll all the way down to see each menu page graphic to click and view. “Early Bird” is on far-right.

Phone for reservations: (401) 847-2750.

2022 Annual Appeal

Thus far,183 donations to the Appeal have been received.

We are truly grateful for each and every gift!

The total raised to-date: $22,760

Your gift in any amount will make a difference, and is also a wonderful way to honor your deceased or living loved ones.

Donate NOW with Credit Card
Download Reply Form to Mail in with Check
thank you organge and green

Thank You to all those who have contributed thus far to the 2022 Annual Appeal!

Click the Button for a list of donor names, reflecting those whose gifts were received as of August 31.

List will be updated as additional gifts are received.

Donors as of Aug. 31

When the 2022 Appeal is concluded, a donor board to recognize the names of all individuals, foundations, and organizations that have contributed to the appeal will be produced and displayed at

our Interpretive Center and at special events, as we did for

the 2020 Appeal

Please Note: Donors to the 2022 Appeal will received written acknowledgment of their gift by mail very shortly. We apologize for the delay.

News you May Have Missed 

The below button is a link to our most recent-past

e-newsletter, which included a recap of our

Annual Meeting in May and results of our

2022 Annual Appeal as of July 31:

Aug. 5 Members’ E-News

There is also an achieve of past newsletters on our website. 

A Penny for your Thoughts ?

Members who have been with us for any period of time are familiar with the flyers they receive in the U.S. mail, inviting them to our lectures, Annual Meeting and Irish Heritage Month happenings. Members also receive occasional special letters or invitations connected to fundraising initiatives, such as our 2020 and 2022 Annual Appeals, and our yearly benefit gala (last held pre-covid). Of course, all of this information is also shared on our website and via e-newsletters, such as the one you are now reading.

At this juncture, we are exploring the idea of potentially cutting back on U.S. mailings to those who use email, in order to be ecologically responsible and to reduce printing and postage expenses — but we need your input to understand your needs and preferences. No decisions have been made; we are simply gathering data and member input at this time.

Key Facts:

  • We send a maximum of 10 U.S. mailings per year, and perhaps twice as many e-newsletters.
  •  A material number of our members are not email/Internet users, so rely exclusively on our mailings to stay informed and engaged. (Nothing will change for them).
  • The average e-newsletter is opened by 60-65% of members with emails in our system. 

Below is a simple survey to help us gauge your interest in continuing to receive printed pieces in the mail, along with these e-newsletters vs. the option of reducing or

eliminating paper mailings. 


If given the option, would you prefer to receive

ALL your member news from us via E-newsletter

(and forgo paper in the mail) ?

Please pick 1 of the 3 replies.

Click 1 of these 3 boxes.
YES. I prefer all my communications in electronic form.
NO. I would prefer to continue to receive US. mailings, along with these e-newsletters.
NOT SURE. I appreciate the benefits of both, and not sure I’m ready to forgo paper mailings.

Thank you for sharing your input on this issue! 

After choosing 1 of the 3 options, above, feel free to share other thoughts via or by phoning Ann Arnold, Membership Chair at

(401) 841-5493 or (917) 270-3372.

Museum of Newport Irish History

Established 1996

a 501c3 non-profit organization

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840

Interpretive Center:

648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840

Click Here for Museum Board of Directors Contact Info. and list of deceased board members, fondly remembered.

The MISSION of the Museum of Newport Irish History is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate

research on Irish history and heritage.

Visit our Website
Membership Renewals

Thank You to all our members with Annual (vs. Life) Memberships who have paid their dues for the

2022-2023 Membership Year.

We are still anticipating payments from

approximately 130 of you, whose memberships

lapsed as of April 1.

Thank you submitting payment at your first opportunity.

 If you are unsure of your membership status — before making a payment — please email Ann Arnold at or phone her at 401-841-5493 and she’ll get right back to you.

Recap of Annual Meeting & Annual Appeal Update

Recap of Annual Meeting & Annual Appeal Update

August 5, 2022


Dear Fellow Members,


Here we are already in the middle of the summer and it surely has been a hot one!


The Board of the Museum has been busy since the 2022 Annual Meeting, which was held in late May. For those who were not able to attend, please review the Annual Meeting Recap by clicking HERE.


Following the business portion of the meeting, we honored immediate past President, Mike Slein, for his years of dedicated service, and presented him with a special gift from the membership, inscribed as follows:


Mike, from your friends at the Museum of Newport Irish History, many thanks to you for your passionate leadership and never-ending good humor.



A photo of the gift may be viewed in the meeting recap. 

As you are aware, in June the Board launched our 2022 Annual Appeal. Our members, once again, have been so very generous and thoughtful in their support of the appeal. I am always so amazed and thankful for the engagement of our members. Please click the below “Donors as of July 31” button to view a list of donors who have made a gift to the appeal thus far. 


As I stated in the Annual Appeal request, I asked that you support our efforts “to revitalize the Interpretive Center and make it a centerpiece to understand the Irish in Newport County.” 


With your support, the Interpretive Center will become a portal to tie in our other offerings, such as the Barney Street Cemetery, our lecture series, points of interest on the walking tours, and the website. To this end, we are in the beginning stages of developing a strategic plan.


We’ve also taken the initial step to engage an architect for a review of the Interpretive Center and are requesting proposals addressing our objectives. As an aside, one architect was, “…..impressed with the extent of your collection and the amount of pertinent display in a relatively small space.” As we progress, we will keep you informed. Without your support we would not be able to undertake these steps forward!


Again, I thank all our donors to the Annual Appeal, which will continue in the months ahead. All of us on the board are so grateful to all our members who remain engaged in our mission and invite you all to join us in looking to the future.


Please let me know your thoughts.



Deanna- signature scan first name only

Deanna J. Conheeny

President, Board of Directors

(401) 847-7156 – residence

(401) 829-0098 – mobile

2022 Annual Appeal Update

Thus far,162 donations to the Appeal have been received.

We are truly grateful for each and every gift!

The total raised to-date: $20,690


Your gift in any amount will make a difference, and is also a wonderful way to honor your deceased or living loved ones.

Donate NOW Online with Credit Card
Download Reply Form to Mail in with Check

Thank You to all those who have contributed thus far to the 2022 Annual Appeal!

Click the Button for a list of donor names, reflecting those whose gifts were received as of July 31.

List will be updated as additional gifts are received.

Donors as of July 31

When the 2022 Appeal is concluded, a donor board to recognize the names of all individuals, foundations, and organizations that have contributed to the appeal will be produced and displayed at our Interpretive Center and at special events, as we did for the 2020 Appeal

Please Note: Donors to the 2022 Appeal will received written acknowledgment of their gift by mail shortly. We apologize for the delay.

Important Lecture Series News

Most of you are aware of the devastating fire at the Wayfinder Hotel (formerly, the Mainstay), where we’d hosted our lectures since February 2018. The Wayfinder will be out of operation as a hotel and events space for the foreseeable future. We are so grateful that no one was injured in the fire and very thankful to the staff of the Wayfinder for their support of our past events.


We are very pleased to share that the Wyndham Newport Hotel at the Atlantic Resort, in Middletown, just over the border from Newport  —   also home to popular Johnny’s Restaurant  —  will host our lectures starting next month. Wyndham will provide us with plenty of room for future growth in audience size as we look ahead to a series less impacted, hopefully, by Covid.


So, please “Save the Date” for our first talk of our 21st annual series, featuring Dr. Elizabeth Stack, Executive Director of the Irish American Heritage Museum (Albany, NY):


   Monday, September 19 at 6:00 pm

Wyndham Newport Hotel

240 Aquidneck Avenue

Middletown, R.I. 02842


Our traditional reception to follow (cash bar) and the lecture and Q&A will also be live-streamed via Zoom. 

Elizabeth is “back by popular demand” and in person, following her terrific virtual talk for us via Zoom last February (if you missed it, you can catch the recording HERE).


As always, reservations will be required and a modest fee will be charged for members attending the lecture and reception in person. Details will be mailed to all members of record and shared via e-newsletter and on our Facebook page. We will welcome your reservations at that time.


This is the perfect time to invite your non-member family and friends to attend our talks and become a member! Those who join to attend a lecture are not assessed the $5 per person lecture fee, just pay the 1-year Annual Membership fee of $20 Individual ($30 Family/Household). It’s our “welcome” gift to them. Questions/Suggestions/Comments:  

Please contact Ann at

In Case You Missed It

Below are links to our most recent e-newsletters, including one mailed to the 30 or so of you who are on the Barney Street Cemetery volunteer team. If you’d like to be added to the distribution list for that group of members, please email us at

There is also an achieve of past newsletters on our website. 

Museum of Newport Irish History

Established 1996

a 501c3 non-profit organization

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840

Interpretive Center:

648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840

Click Here for Museum Board of Directors Contact Info. and list of deceased board members, fondly remembered.

The MISSION of the Museum of Newport Irish History is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate

research on Irish history and heritage.

Visit our Website
Membership Renewals

If you are unsure of your membership status — before making a payment — please email Ann Arnold at or phone her at 401-841-5493 and she’ll get right back to you.

Ken Dooley Book Signing at Museum

Ken Dooley Book Signing at Museum

Dooley Noted

“At age ninety, Ken Dooley, noted Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame playwright, author, publisher, political consultant, and raconteur decided, with a nudge from his admirers, to compose a series of brief essays recounting his varied life experiences. His observations, based on first-hand involvement, bear the appropriate title Dooley Noted. His insightful recollections are notable indeed! During his long and eventful career, Ken has encountered the famous and infamous, the literati, scholars, athletes, politicians, clergy, the military, and those who led an ordinary life, except for an extraordinary encounter with Mr. Dooley.”

 — Dr. Patrick T. Conley, Historian Laureate of Rhode Island.

book cover - Dooley Noted

July 14, 2022

Dear Members,

You may recall that longtime Museum of Newport Irish History member, past Crowley Lecture Series guest speaker, author of more than 40 books and plays, including “The Murder Trial of John Gordon,” and Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame InducteeKen Dooley, launched his latest project, the book Dooley Noted, late last year.

This autobiographical tribute to the notable people and events that have shaped Ken’s long and interesting life was introduced during a festive book launch last December at The Beatrice Hotel in Providence, attended by many Museum members and friends.  

We’re delighted to share that Ken will be on hand

at the Museum’s Interpretive Center:

648 Lower Thames Street

Newport, RI 02840

Saturday, July 23, 2022

3:00 – 5:00 pm

Stop by, meet Ken, and pick up a signed copy of his book!

(If you already have the book, stop in and say “Hi” to Ken anyway. He’d love to see his old friends and meet new ones)

100% of book sale proceeds

benefit Rhode Island non-profits.

The softcover book, which makes a great gift, is $24.95 (cash, credit or check payable to “R.I. Publication Society”).  The book may also be purchased online at by clicking the below button:

Order Book Online HERE

Can’t come down to the Museum on July 23? 

“Meet” Ken by reading the Newport Daily News 

book review by Sean Flynn:

 Sean Flynn/Newport Daily News Book Review

You might also enjoy this inspiring video of Ken being inducted into the R.I. Heritage Hall of Fame, with a rousing introduction by Dr. Scott Molloy, another longtime Museum member and popular Crowley Lecture speaker:

VIDEO of Ken being inducted into the R.I. Heritage Hall of Fame

Ken is a living legend and truly one of one of

Rhode Island’s most accomplished Irish-Americans!

Questions re. July 23? Please write 

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As April 1 marked the start of the Museum’s new Fiscal Year, many of our members with Annual (vs. Life) Memberships, were due for renewal at that time.

A big “Thank You” to all who have submitted

their renewal payments thus far!

The annual fee for an Individual membership remains $20, and a Family/Household membership $30 (applies to all those living at the same address).

Renew now online by clicking the below “Membership” button.

If you prefer to pay by check, please send payable to “MNIH” with “Membership” in the Memo line to:

Museum of Newport Irish History

Attn: Membership

PO Box 1378

Newport, RI, 02840

Please help us reduce printing & postage expense by making your payment at this time, if you have not done so already.

If you are unsure of your membership status — before making a payment — please email Ann at or phone her at 401-841-5493 and she’ll get right back to you.



Please do not send payments or other correspondence to our seasonal Thames Street Interpretive Center address.

thank you organge and green

Museum of Newport Irish History

Established 1996

a 501c3 non-profit organization

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840

Interpretive Center:

648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840

Click Here for Museum Board of Directors Contact Info. and list of deceased board members, fondly remembered.

The MISSION of the Museum of Newport Irish History is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate

research on Irish history and heritage.

Visit our Website
July 4th Greetings & Remembering George M. Cohan

July 4th Greetings & Remembering George M. Cohan

Statue of George M. Cohan in Prov._photo from Irish America Mag

Photo credit: Irish America Magazine

July 4, 2022

Dear Members,

We hope you are all enjoying this lovely July 4 holiday weekend!

On July 3, 1878, one of Rhode Island’s most famous Irish-Americans, George M. Cohan, was born in Providence. According to this article from Irish America Magazine, Cohan’s grandparents changed their Gaelic surname, O’Caomhan, to Keohane, then changed it to Cohan when they immigrated to the United States.

Known for his patriotic songs, including “You’re a Grand Old Flag” and “Yankee Doodle Dandy,” a statue honoring Cohan was installed in the summer of 2009 at the corner of Wickenden & Governor Streets in the Fox Point neighborhood, near his birthplace. Fittingly, the Cohan statue is by the same artist, Robert Shure, who sculpted the Rhode Island Irish Famine Memorial.

Click this link to read Irish America Magazine‘s interesting article on this “Real live Nephew of his Uncle Sam,” who was almost — but not quite —  Born on the 4th of July!

Interpretive Center Operation in High Gear

Interpretive Center

Photo credit:Allan Millora

Thanks to our team of dedicated volunteer docents, the Museum’s Interpretive Center, shown above, is welcoming visitors from near and far for the 2022 Season.

Hours are 12 noon to 5 pm, Thursday through Sunday (closed Mon.-Tues.-Wed.), through the end of October.

Visitors to the Center will learn about Irish immigration to Newport County from the colonial era to the present, and of the many contributions made to our community by individuals of Irish descent. The exhibits and resources include maps, photographs, artwork, models, video, oral histories and artifacts, including some from the construction of nearby Fort Adams, which was built with Irish immigrant labor.

  • The Center is located at 648 Lower Thames Street, just south of Narragansett Avenue.
  • Free parking is available on the street (resident parking sticker not required until after 6pm).
  • Or leave your car and take the free “Hop On, Hop Off” trolley transportation via Bus Route 67, which leaves the 23 Americas Cup Ave. Transportation Center. Get off at Bellevue & Narragansett and walk 2 blocks west to Thames.

Note: Private visits to the Center on alternative days/times and in the off-season may be arranged with adequate lead time to arrange a docent. To inquire, please write to


Volunteers gather for 2nd work session of the season

Many thanks to the below Museum members who came out the afternoon of Wed. June 15 to participate in the second work session of the 2022 Season at the Barney Street Cemetery. Under the leadership of board member and Cemetery Committee Chair, Jack McCormack, the team focused on weeding between the many perennial flowers.

Ann Arnold

Larry Bartley

Mary Ellen Bronson

Deanna Conheeny

Jonathan Davies

Larry Davis

Carolyn Evans-Carbery

Jack McCormack

Bill Shea

Please enjoy the below photos of the site, taken a couple days after the work was completed. 

The day lilies are at their peak at this time and the site looks beautiful, so stop by and visit the cemetery this week if you have a chance. 

Please join us!

If you would like to be added to the Cemetery Volunteer email list, to be invited to future work sessions, please sent an email to:

cemetery June 17 2022_Tim May
June 17 2022_Tim May photo

Barney Street Cemetery, June 17, 2022 (photos by Tim May)

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To learn about the history of the cemetery site, check out the resources on the left side of this webpage, under the photo:


As April 1 marked the start of the Museum’s new Fiscal Year, many of our members with Annual (vs. Life) Memberships, are due for renewal at this time.

A big “Thank You” to all who have submitted their renewal payments thus far. We have a ways to go,

with about 150 outstanding.

The annual fee for an Individual membership remains $20, and a Family/Household membership $30 (applies to all those living at the same address).

You may renew now online by clicking the below orange “Membership” button.

If you prefer to pay by check, please send payable to “MNIH” with “Membership” in the Memo line to us at PO Box 1378, Newport, RI, 02840

If you are unsure of your membership status — before making a payment — please email Ann at or phone her at 401-841-5493 and she’ll get right back to you.



Please do not send payments or other correspondence to our seasonal Thames Street Interpretive Center address.


We are pleased to share that our new self-guided walking tour brochures have been very well received by members and others interested in Newport’s rich and interesting Irish history, and hundreds have already been sold.

Three tours have been developed, each covering a different neighborhood of “Irish Newport,” and each can be walked in approximately an hour to an hour and a half.

For more information, including how to obtain copies of the three brochures, please visit the “Self-Guided Walking Tour Brochure” page on our website, by clicking the below button.

Walking Tour Brochures

Museum of Newport Irish History

Established 1996

a 501c3 non-profit organization

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840

Interpretive Center:

648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840

Click Here for Museum Board of Directors Contact Info. and list of deceased board members, fondly remembered.

The MISSION of the Museum of Newport Irish History is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate

research on Irish history and heritage.

Visit our Website

Interpretive Center Opens for 2022 Season

Interpretive Center Opens for 2022 Season

photos by Allan Millora

May 27, 2022

Dear Members,

The Museum’s Interpretive Center reopens for the 2022 Season Friday, May 27.

For the 2022 Season, public hours are 12:00 noon to 5pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (closed Mon-Wed), through the end of October.

Visitors to the Center will learn about Irish immigration to Newport County from the Colonial era to the present and of the many contributions made to our community by individuals of Irish descent. The exhibits include maps, photographs, artwork, models, video, oral histories and artifacts, including some from the construction of nearby Fort Adams, which was built with Irish immigrant labor.

  • The Center is located at 648 Lower Thames Street, just south of Narragansett Avenue.
  • Free parking is available in the small lot behind the building, accessed via Narragansett Ave., or on the street. Click HERE for map and directions.
  • Admission is free for members of the Museum of Newport Irish History and by donation for others.
  • For Covid protocols, please check our website home page

Note: Private visits to the Center on alternative days/times and in the off-season may be arranged with adequate lead time to arrange a docent. To inquire, please write to

Our Interpretive Center docent volunteers are the public “face” of the organization, and we could not operate the Center without their support and passion for the

history of the Irish in Newport.

 Interested in learning more and

perhaps joining their ranks? 

Please contact Steve Marino, Interpretive Center Manager, at

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We are also seek additional volunteers to assist with the ongoing maintenance and beautification of the Barney Street Cemetery, final resting place of many of Newport’s early Irish immigrants, located at the corner of Barney and Mt. Vernon Streets in Newport, steps from Washington Square. Work sessions ramp up as the weather warms, and many hands make light work with tasks such as weeding and raking. Interested in joining the team? Please contact Cemetery Committee Chair, Jack McCormack at

Students seeking community service hours are also welcome, so please spread the word!

photo by cemetery volunteer, Joan Galvin

To learn about the history of the cemetery site, check out the resources on the left side of this webpage, under the photo:


As April 1 marked the start of the Museum’s new Fiscal Year, many of our members with Annual (vs. Life) Memberships, are due for renewal at this time.

A big “Thank You” to the 150 of you who made renewal payments thus far. We have a ways to go, with about 150 outstanding.

The annual fee for an Individual membership remains $20, and a Family/Household membership $30 (applies to all those living at the same address).

You may renew now online by clicking the below orange “Membership” button.

If you prefer to pay by check, please send payable to “MNIH” with “Membership” in the Memo line to us at PO Box 1378, Newport, RI, 02840

If you are unsure of your membership status — before making a payment — please email Ann at or phone her at 401-841-5493 and she’ll get right back to you.



Please do not send payments or other correspondence to our seasonal Thames Street Interpretive Center address.


We are pleased to share that our new self-guided walking tour brochures have been very well received by members and others interested in Newport’s rich and interesting Irish history, and hundreds have already been sold.

Three tours have been developed, each covering a different neighborhood of “Irish Newport,” and each can be walked in approximately an hour to an hour and a half.

For more information, including how to obtain copies of the three brochures, please visit the “Self-Guided Walking Tour Brochure” page on our website, by clicking the below button.

Walking Tour Brochures

Museum of Newport Irish History

Established 1996

a 501c3 non-profit organization

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840

Interpretive Center:

648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840

Click Here for Museum Board of Directors Contact Info. and list of deceased board members, fondly remembered.

The MISSION of the Museum of Newport Irish History is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the Colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate
research on Irish history and heritage.
Visit our Website