
45th Annual Newport Irish Heritage Month is almost here!

45th Annual Newport Irish Heritage Month is almost here!

February 28, 2022

Dear Fellow Members,

We all look forward to celebrating our proud history and culture during the 45th Annual Newport Irish Heritage Month in March. After the cancellation of most events in March 2020 due to the pandemic, and the pivot to all-virtual in March of 2021, I know you are all eager, as I am, to gather once again. Of course, the highlight for many will be the 66th Annual Parade in Honor of St. Patrick on Saturday, March 12, here in Newport.

There is much in store for you next month, and the Museum is pleased to once again sponsor a full slate of March happenings. You should all have received a flyer in the mail with an overview of our March offerings, a copy of which can be accessed by clicking HERE. A copy of the March 23 Crowley Lecture flyer was mailed separately, and that can be accessed by clicking HERE.

Please read on for a review of each of our happenings, including links to reserve.This information is also available on our website.

I hope to see many of you around town in March, and many of our out-of-area members “virtually,” via Zoom, at the much-anticipated March 23 lecture about Newport’s first Irish mayor, Patrick J. Boyle, by our own local historian and guide, Steve Marino.


Deanna J. Conheeny

President, Board of Directors

(401) 847-7156-residence/(401)829-0098- mobile


One of the charming trolleys operated by Viking Tours of Newport

To kick off Newport Irish Heritage Month, we will host our annual Trolley Tour of “Irish Newport on Sat. Mar. 5Two tours will be offered. The first departs Ancient Order of Hibernian Hall, 2 Wellington Avenue, Newport at 10:00 am sharp, and complimentary coffee and Danish will be available at 9:30 a.m. The second tour departs the Hall at 12:30 pm.

The 2-hour tours, narrated by Mike Slein, include stops at various sites connected to the history of the Irish in Newport, including the Forty Steps on Cliff Walk and the Barney Street Cemetery. The tours include an introductory visit inside the Museum’s Interpretive Center.

Generously sponsored by:

in memory of :

Karen Oakley

Tickets are free, but donations are gratefully accepted.     

Participants must be fully vaccinated. 

Masks required on the vehicle

Reservations are required, and space is limited

(35 riders per trolley).

Note: If you’ve taken the Trolley Tour in past years, especially more than once, we’d ask that you allow our new members

            and our friends in the community at-large to experience the tour, as space is limited. Thank you!

Reserve for 10am
Reserve for 12:30pm

          Questions/Assistance with Trolley Reservations?

Please contact Larry Bartley at (401) 965-7276 or


The Museum’s Interpretive Center, which operates seasonally between late-May and the end of October, will be open nine days during March, Newport Irish Heritage Month. Located at

648 Lower Thames Street, just south of Narragansett Avenue, the Center also welcomes private and group tours, by appointment.

The special March 2022 public hours are 12:00–4:00 pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the first three weekends in March (Fri. Mar. 4 is the first day). The list of days, parking info., map and directions, and covid protocols, may be viewed at the bottom of the Home page of our website:

Learn about Irish immigration to the Newport area and of the contributions to the community by individuals of Irish descent from the 1600s to the present through various exhibits, including photographs, artifacts and more.


Admission to the Center is FREE for Museum members and by donation for non-members. For more information, please contact Interpretive Center Manager, Steve Marino, at (860) 995-7367 or at


Tours of the historic Barney Street Cemetery, the final resting place of many of Newport’s early Irish immigrants, will be offered in March on three Sunday afternoons at 12:30 pm, weather permitting. The tours of approximately 30 minutes will be given by local historian and guide, Steve Marino. No fee, but Reservations are requested.

  -Sun. March 6    – Sun. March 20      -Sun. March 27

To reserve, please click the below button for the “Historic Cemetery Tours” page on our website. There, you will find links to reserve for each of the three tours along with interesting historical information about the cemetery site, including links to videos.

  Questions/Assistance with Reservations?

Contact Ann Arnold at (401) 841-5493 or

Cemetery Tours – Info. & Reservations



Michael F. Crowley Lectures

Fifth Program of the 2021-2022 Series ~ Our 20th Annual

The Life and Times of

Patrick J. Boyle,

Newport’s first Irish Mayor

Guest Speaker: Steve Marino

Wednesday, March 23, 6:00 p.m.

The Wayfinder Hotel

Newport, R.I.

and Live-Streamed via Zoom

made possible by a generous gift from:

Patrick J. Boyle (1860-1923)

Photo courtesy of the Newport Historical Society

When Patrick Boyle became mayor in 1895, many were surprised and few could imagine it was the start of a political career in Newport that would span over twenty years. How did the son of Irish Catholic immigrants, a Democrat in a solidly Republican town, manage this political feat? Join us as we explore the Gilded Age in Newport through the Irish eyes of Patrick J. Boyle.

STEVE MARINO taught history in Connecticut for 35 years and retired to Newport. He has been giving tours at Fort Adams since 2008. He is also on the Board of the Museum of Newport Irish History. Steve holds degrees from Williams College, Brown University, and the Hartford Seminary. This is Steve’s fourth presentation to our membership.

Reservations required. Click a link below to sign up.

In-person guests at the lecture and reception to follow at the Wayfinder Hotel must be fully vaccinated, and a $5 per person fee/donation applies. No fee to participate via Zoom.

Attend Lecture in Person
Attend Lecture via Zoom


Please hope and/or pray for some “Luck of the Irish” that we enjoy favorable weather on Sun. March 27 for this much-loved, family-friendly community event. The outdoor gathering is held weather-permitting, and updates will be posted on our Facebook page and on this webpage:

Learn more about this commemorative event and view videos of recent past “Dancing at the Forty Steps” gatherings by visiting the above webpage.

Questions? Please contact event coordinator, Rick O’Neill at

(401) 374-5698 or


Newport Irish Heritage Month, a month-long celebration of “all things Irish,” was established by the former Newport Irish Heritage Association (NIHA) 45 years ago. Founders included Rick O’Neill, Rick Kelly and the late Paul Crowley. The Museum of Newport Irish History was proud to pick up the reins and continue to compile the March calendar of events of Irish interest when NIHA disbanded several years ago.

The March 2022 Newport Irish Heritage Month calendar includes events submitted by the Newport Saint Patrick’s Day Parade Committee, Fort Adams Trust, The Ancient Order of Hibernians, The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, The Museum of Newport Irish History, WADK, and others.

As you plan your March activities, please check out this online calendar, hosted by the Museum within the “Events” page of our website. Here is a direct link:

Questions, or to submit an event for the calendar, please write to us at with “Irish Heritage Month” in the subject line.


As March 31 marks the end of the Museum’s current Fiscal Year, the month of March also kicks off Membership Renewal Season. Nearly 70% of our memberships are Annual Membership (vs. Life), and these are due for renewal at this time of the year. The annual fee for an Individual membership remains $20, and a Family/Household membership $30 (applies to all those living at the same address).

Please, help us defray printing and postage expense by taking a moment to RENEW NOW online, by clicking the “Membership Renewal” button at the bottom of this e-newsletter.

If you are not sure of your membership status, please email Ann at before making a payment and she’ll get right back to you.

If you prefer to pay by check, please send payable to “MNIH” with “Membership” in the Memo line to us at PO Box 1378, Newport, RI, 02840

Note: please do not send payments or other correspondence to our seasonal Thames Street Interpretive Center address.

Museum of Newport Irish History

Established 1996

a 501c3 non-profit organization

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840

Interpretive Center:

648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840

Click Here for Museum Board of Directors Contact Info. and list of deceased board members, fondly remembered.

The MISSION of the Museum of Newport Irish History is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the Colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate
research on Irish history and heritage.
Visit our Website
Membership Renewals

New President’s Greeting & Upcoming Happenings

New President’s Greeting & Upcoming Happenings

New President’s Greeting & Upcoming Happenings

February 2, 2022

Dear Fellow Members,

What a pleasure and a privilege it is to be writing you as president of the Museum of Newport Irish History. Please allow me to tell you a bit about my involvement in the organization and share my perspective on its recent history and bright future.

In 2005, I was invited to join the board by our founding president, the late Vince Arnold, and in 2008 I became treasurer following the passing of then-treasurer, Bill Nagle. I have witnessed the Museum grow from a concept to an actual brick and mortar operation, and seen its membership quadruple in size, now with a roster of over 800 individuals from Newport County and well beyond. What a thrilling journey it has been!

I continue to be impressed with our growth and the amazing dedication and generous support of our members and our board, without whom, none of this could have been possible.

Please take a moment to visit the “Board” page of our website so you might “meet” our new treasurer, Carol Lepley, and new vice president, Rick O’Neill, and see the full roster of all officers and other members of the board. These fellow member-volunteers are a wonderful team, and I know they will continue to serve you well.

On behalf of the membership and the board, I express much gratitude to Mike Slein, who took over as president in 2014 after Vince’s passing. Under Mike’s strong and inspiring leadership, the organization achieved tremendous growth in membership, fiscal stability, and a strengthened community presence. He continued Vince’s legacy of instilling the organization, its board and membership, with a strong sense of our mission, to honor the important contributions of the Irish in building Newport and the surrounding communities.

We have all suffered in these unprecedented times, individually and as a community. During these challenging times, the Museum endeavored to maintain contact with the membership and continue to offer you programming of value. We presented our Michael F. Crowley Lectures “virtually,” via Zoom, and continued to offer the virtual option after resuming in-person talks. We safely reopened our Interpretive Center, though on a more limited basis, and offered private tours for members. Our communications via mail, e-newsletter, and Facebook were uninterrupted, and our website,, was redesigned to be a more useful resource. The Barney Street Cemetery continued to be maintained as a site of historic importance and interest, thanks to members’ donation of time and talent.

We are all looking forward to celebrating our heritage during the 45th Annual Newport Irish Heritage Month this March. Hopefully, and with a little bit of “Irish Luck,” I will see you at some of the activities we have planned (please read on for details).

Again, to you, our members, thank you for all your interest and support. I look forward to continuing to build on Mike and the board’s successes and to meeting you all and hearing your ideas for future activities and initiatives. To 2022! 


Deanna J. Conheeny

President, Board of Directors

(401) 847-7156-residence/(401)829-0098- mobile


The fourth lecture in our 20th Annual Michael F. Crowley Lecture Series will be presented virtually on Tuesday, February 22 at 6pm, via Zoom.

A flyer with the talk overview and speaker bio was mailed to all members. The information is also provided below and on our website “Lectures” page.

Dooley Noted

Mother Jones in 1902 (Libary of Congress photo)

Please join us for:

Irish Women in the

American Labor Movement

Tuesday, Feb. 22, 6:00 pm

Guest Speaker:

Dr. Elizabeth Stack

Executive Director,

The Irish American Heritage Museum

Albany, New York

No fee to participate, but reservations are required

to receive the Zoom login information.

The talk, speaker slides, and Q&A will be recorded and a link shared on our website “Lectures” page post-event.

Talk Overview 

NOTE: the Feb. 22 lecture flyer you received in the mail incorrectly stated Wednesday, instead of Tuesday as the day of week for this event. We apologize for any confusion.

ELIZABETH STACK is the executive director of the Irish American Heritage Museum, located in Albany, N.Y. The museum hosts historical exhibits as well as lectures, musical evenings and film presentations, consistent with its mission: “To preserve and tell the story of the contributions of the Irish people and their culture in America, inspiring individuals to examine the importance of their own heritage as part of the American cultural mosaic.”  

Elizabeth joined the museum from Fordham University, where she taught Irish and Irish-American History and was an Associate Director of the Institute of Irish Studies. She completed her PhD at Fordham, writing about Irish and German immigrants in New York at the turn of the twentieth century. She is a native of Listowel, in Co. Kerry. We warmly welcome Dr. Stack for this, her first lecture for the Museum of Newport Irish History.


March 2022

After the pandemic hiatus, the museum will again coordinate the Newport Irish Heritage Month community-wide online calendar of events of Irish interest, the highlight of which for many will be the Newport Saint Patrick’s Day Parade, scheduled for Saturday, March 12.

We are in the process of compiling events from community organizations and the online calendar for 2022 has not yet been published. You will be able to access the information going forward by clicking the above graphic or by visiting the the Newport Irish Heritage Month page of our website:

If you have an in-person or online event to submit for the calendar, please write to with “Irish Heritage Month” in the subject line and please be sure to include your contact information.

Read on for an overview of the events the Museum has planned for this March!


Plans are underway for the following museum-sponsored events for March 2022, Newport Irish Heritage Month. You’ll see some “old favorites” as well as new happenings.

Details will be mailed to all members and information and reservation links will also be available on our website.

  • Interpretive Center to be open special hours during March. Schedule now posted on the home page of our website:
  • Crowley Lecture to be presented at the Wayfinder Hotel and via Zoom on Wed. Mar. 23 at 6pm. Topic: Patrick J. Boyle, Newport’s 17-term mayor (1860-1923). Speaker: Steve Marino. Reservations will be required for in-person or Zoom participation. Details and reservation links to come.
  • Trolley Tour of Irish Newport – Plans under development. We hope to offer this popular guided tour once again on Sat. Mar. 5. Details to follow:
  • NEW – Site Tours of the Barney Street Cemetery– Schedule, details and reservation links now online:
  • Dancing at the Forty Steps on Cliff Walk – plans underway and we hope to offer this popular happening as a fitting close to the 45th Annual Newport Irish Heritage Month, the afternoon of Sunday, March 27. Details to follow. Click HERE to read about a past “Dancing” event.

Note: Some events are weather-dependent, some will require reservations, and some are subject to covid-related changes.


Many Museum members participated in the Redwood Library’s virtual lecture of January 26 regarding the famed Irish philosopher, George Berkeley, a resident of Newport in the Colonial era, news of which we shared with you in our last e-newsletter.

If you missed the presentation you may access the recording now on the Redwood’s YouTube channel by clicking the below green button.

Jan. 26 Lecture Recording

Speaking of lecture recordings, if you missed any of the three Crowley Lectures we presented last fall, in person and via Zoom, you may access the recording on the “Lectures” page of our website or by clicking the below links:

  • Shared Spaces: The Irish and African Heritage Experience in Gilded Age Newport” – presented by Keith Stokes & John Quinn
  • The Irish Bridget: Irish Women in Domestic Service in America 1840-1930, with a Spotlight on Irish Servants of the Newport Mansions” – presented by Margaret Lynch-Brennan & Leslie B. Jones. (see below message to descendants of Irish servants)
  • Cheers to Eire: The Political Life of J.Howard McGrath”- presented by Debra A. Mulligan
Website Lectures Page

Museum of Newport Irish History

Established 1996

a 501c3 non-profit organization

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840

Interpretive Center:

648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840

Click Here for Museum Board of Directors Contact Info. and list of deceased board members, fondly remembered.

The MISSION of the Museum of Newport Irish History is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the Colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate
research on Irish history and heritage.
Visit our Website
Membership Renewals
New Year’s Greetings

New Year’s Greetings

New Year’s Greetings

Christmas Card v. 2

January 1, 2022

Dear Members,

The above Celtic-inspired graphic is used courtesy of “Irish American Mom.” Several years ago, this blog published an interesting piece on traditional Irish folk beliefs for New Years and New Year’s greetings in the Irish language, including sound file recordings. We are pleased to share this article and hope you enjoy it:

From all of us on the board of the

Museum of Newport Irish History,

we wish you & your families

health, happiness & peace in the New Year.

Thank you for your membership and support of our Mission!

Board of Directors

Christopher Behan

Deanna Conheeny *

Kevin Doyle

Steve Ferris

Jeremiah Harrington

Carol Lepley

Steve Marino

Ann Arnold May

Jack McCormack

Donna McCarthy

Peg Murray

Rick O’Neill

Kathleen Papp

John Quinn

Dean Robinson

Jim Ryan

Maeve Sheehan

Mike Slein

Dan Titus

Harry Winthrop

*Incoming Board President

as of Jan. 1, 2022

Directors Emeriti
John Booth
Louis Burns
Jack Curran
Peter Martin
Patrick F. Murphy
Honorary Directors
Hon. Kathleen Connell
Mrs. Diana Crowley
Hon. David Roderick
Remembering Board Member and founding Vice President, who passed away in 2021:

Museum of Newport Irish History

Established 1996

a 501c3 non-profit organization

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840

Interpretive Center:

648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840


Click Here for Museum Board of Directors Contact Info. and list of deceased board members, fondly remembered.

Visit Our Website
Donate Online
Membership Renewals
Season’s Greetings from Your Board of Directors

Season’s Greetings from Your Board of Directors

Seasons Greetings from Mike Slein and your Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Christopher Behan
Deanna Conheeny *
Kevin Doyle
Steve Ferris
Jeremiah Harrington
Carol Lepley
Steve Marino
Ann Arnold May
Jack McCormack
Donna McCarthy
Peg Murray
Rick O’Neill
Kathleen Papp
John Quinn
Dean Robinson
Jim Ryan
Maeve Sheehan
Mike Slein
Dan Titus
Harry Winthrop
*Incoming Board President
as of Jan. 1, 2022

Directors Emeriti
John Booth
Louis Burns
Jack Curran
Peter Martin
Patrick F. Murphy
Honorary Directors
Hon. Kathleen Connell
Mrs. Diana Crowley
Hon. David Roderick
Remembering Board Member and founding Vice President, who passed away in 2021:
December 2021
Dear Fellow Members,            
As we enter this special season of reflection and opportunities of a New Year, my wish for you is time well spent with family and friends. 
You have all given me much for which to be thankful. The support of you, the members; the dedication of the Board and the passion of the docents under the challenges of the pandemic, have been nothing short of gratifying. I have had the unique opportunity to share with you in all the richness of the Irish history, culture and tradition that has shaped our communities.
I now look forward to serving the Board under the leadership and guidance of Deanna Conheeny, our future President, to continue building on our legacy of honoring the contributions of the Irish immigrants and their descendants to Newport County and the surrounding areas.
Thank you and Peace to all.

Mike Slein - resized
Mike Slein
Board of Directors
(401) 855-5097 – mobile
St Marys church  model
This scale model of St. Mary’s Church is on display at the Museum of Newport Irish History Interpretive Center. The historic church is located at the corner of Spring Street and Memorial Boulevard in Newport.
The beautifully crafted model, which depicts the church at Christmastime, is at least sixty years old. The model was donated to the Museum in 2016 by Saint Mary’s Parish, under the direction of Fr. Kris von Maluski, pastor at that time.
Its maker is unknown, though it is possible the model was crafted in conjunction with the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the church’s dedication (1852-1952). Saint Mary’s is Rhode Island’s oldest Catholic parish, founded in 1828 to serve Newport’s burgeoning Irish immigrant population.
Photo by: Allan Millora
Museum of Newport Irish History
Established 1996
a 501c3 non-profit organization
Mailing: PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840
Interpretive Center: 648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840
Click Here for Museum Board of Directors Contact Info. and list of deceased board members, fondly remembered.

December Event Cancellations

December Event Cancellations

IMPT: December Event Cancellations (Dec. 7 & Dec. 11)

December 6, 2021
Due to the increasing prevalence of Covid-19 in our local community, we are compelled to CANCEL tomorrow evening’s Docent reception* and this coming
Saturday’s Christmas Open House
at the Interpretive Center.
These two events, discussed below, were originally announced in our
We regret the inconvenience and look forward to gathering again
when conditions improve.
*we have also personally emailed and/or phoned all who had RSVP’d
for the Dec. 7 gathering to inform them of the cancellation
The Museum Board of Directors warmly invites all Interpretive Center Docent-volunteers — current, past and prospective to join them on Tues. Dec. 7 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. for an informal holiday reception at Ancient Order of Hibernian Hall, 2 Wellington Avenue in Newport.
Together, we will kick-off the holiday season and recognize you for your dedicated service to the organization. We could not operate the Interpretive Center without you!
Hearty refreshments will be provided, and each docent will receive two tickets for complimentary beverages from the bar. Docents are invited to attend along with their spouse/guest/significant other.
*Reservations are requested for
Docents AND Board members*
The board recognizes that some of our wonderful past docents were unable to volunteer over the last year, due to Covid concerns or other conflicts. We hope you will consider volunteering once again, if you are able. We hope to see you on Dec. 7.
This invitation also extends to any Museum member who would like to learn more about becoming a docent-volunteer to support our operations when we reopen in the spring. Come meet the Board members and other Docents! Our Docent-volunteers are a terrific group of folks and ambassadors to the community at-large. They have educated and entertained thousands of visitors to the Center since it opened in June 2011. We hope you will consider joining us to learn more.
~ All attendees must be fully vaccinated ~
fancy divider_transparent
We are pleased to share that our annual Christmas Open House at the Museum’s Interpretive Center is back after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic. The event is part of the 51st Annual Christmas In Newport calendar of events, and we hope that members of the community at-large who have not yet visited the Interpretive Center will stop by.
Event details and contact information may be seen on this page of our website:
Highlights to include the guest appearance from 3:30-4:30 pm by the Ancient Order of Hibernian Men Singers, who will sing songs of the season and share Irish oral histories.
~ All attendees must be fully vaccinated ~
Please remember the Museum and all your favorite charities this holiday shopping season when you shop online. Did you know that you can easily support non-profits  — at no cost to you or to them  — when you shop on Amazon?
Amazon will donate a small percentage of eligible purchases to a designated charity, including the Museum of Newport Irish History —through its AmazonSmile program.
Visit and sign in with your Amazon credentials, then select “Museum of Newport Irish History Inc.” or another charity of choice. You can also click the below graphic. You can change the charity each time you use the portal.
Whether you choose to support the Museum or another non-profit through your Amazon holiday shopping, please remember to use the Amazon Smile portal to make your purchases. Think of the collective impact Amazon shoppers can have if a non-profit is designated each time they shop!
Museum of Newport Irish History
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840
Interpretive Center Location:
648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840

Museum Board of Directors:
The MISSION of the Museum of Newport Irish History is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the Colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate
research on Irish history and heritage.