November 1, 2021
The third lecture in our 20th Annual Michael F. Crowley Lecture Series will be presented Monday, November 15 at 6pm at the Wayfinder Hotel and via Zoom.
A flyer with the talk overview and speaker bio was mailed to all members of record late last week. The information is provided in this e-newsletter as well.
Please join us for:
Cheers to Eire:
The Political Life of
J. Howard McGrath
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Debra A. Mulligan
Professor of History,
Roger Williams University
and author of
Democratic Repairman:
The Political Life of J.Howard McGrath
A reception with light hors d’oeuvres will be
held following the lecture and Q&A. Cash Bar
In-person attendees must be fully vaccinated.
The per-person lecture fee/donation is $5,
payable at the door, via Check to “MNIH” or Cash.
No fee to participate via Zoom.
Click the green button for the lecture overview and
our guest speaker bio.
To register, select an option below:
This lecture has made possible by a generous gift from Francis “Frank” Furtado, given in memory of his wife, Barbara Carr Furtado.
Dr. Mulligan will have a limited number of copies of her
book on hand for signature and sale
following the presentation and Q&A.
To purchase Democratic Repairman online, in advance of the lecture, click the above book cover.
Crowley Lecture Series
2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the opening of our Interpretive Center on Lower Thames Street, shown above.
June 11, 2011 was a much-anticipated opening day, after a number of years of fundraising and planning. We remember that special day as we celebrate another milestone – our 6,000th visitor!
On Sunday, October 24, 2021, while longtime volunteer docents Rosemary and Richard Danforth were on duty, the 5,999 and 6,000 visitors to the Interpretive Center crossed the threshold.
Rosemary and Richard were prepared for the momentous occasion, and presented our 6,000th visitor, Janice Greenwood of Wrentham, Massachusetts, with a certificate and gifts, including homemade Irish soda bread, a bottle of wine, and a complimentary 1-year membership in the Museum. As can be seen in the below photo, Janice and her husband, Mike Kelly, were clearly delighted.
Congratulations and Welcome, Janice!
Photo by Rosemary Danforth, Interpretive Center Docent and Museum Life Member.
The Interpretive Center closed for the 2021 Season on October 31, but we are always happy to open for private tours with advance notice. Please email us at to arrange a private visit in the off-season, and Interpretive Center Manager, Steve Marino, will get back to you to arrange.
As we shared in our September 27 e-newsletter, a new historical informational sign was dedicated at the Barney Street Cemetery on September 18. The sign was made possible through the generosity of the Lepley Family in memory of Museum board member, Steve Lepley. If you missed the article, please click the below green button and take a moment to read this important news and enjoy photos of that day.
We are grateful to the following publications for sharing news of the September 18 dedication with the community at-large:
Newport Daily News, WhatsUpNewp, Newport This Week,
the Rhode Island Catholic.
In other cemetery news, on Thursday, October 28 at 5pm, a team of Museum member-volunteers assembled at the site, under the direction of our Cemetery Committee Chair, Jack McCormack, for a work session focused on eradicating the weeds which have emerged since our last work session. This special place looks pristine once again. Thank you to this month’s volunteers:
Larry Bartley, Mary Ellen Bronson, Christopher Jones, Winkle Kelley,
Ann Arnold May, Bonnie Slein, Mike Slein
Another work session will be scheduled after the trees have shed their leaves, to rake and prepare this beautiful and historic site for the winter. If you are interested in being added to Jack’s distribution list for these volunteer opportunities, please email:
The cemetery in June 2020, from our 5-minute ‘virtual tour” video. Click the photo to view the video.
The tall cross with a the Celtic seal carving is prominent in the above photo. To learn about this cross and its restoration, read this article from the August 13, 1998 Providence Journal
Members will find guest columnist Scott Molloy’s commentary in Sunday’s Providence Journal, “An Irish patriot who made a great escape,” of interest.
Click the below buttons to access this column regarding James McNally Wilson and written in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Wilson’s death.
Dr. Scott Molloy is Professor Emeritus at the University of R.I., a past Crowley Lecture guest speaker, and longtime member of the Museum.
The gravesite of James McNally Wilson, an Irish revolutionary who escaped from an
Australian prison in 1876 and spent the rest of his life in Pawtucket, R.I.
(photo by Kris Craig, courtesy of the Providence Journal).
If you prefer to receive these notices at an alternative or additional email address, please send a note to Ann at and the change will be made to your record. Please do not use the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom to communicate changes.
Gmail Users: Please be sure to check your “Promotions” folder for our e-newsletters, as they may not
land in your primary folder.
Museum of Newport Irish History
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840
Interpretive Center Location:
648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840
Museum Board of Directors:
The MISSION of the Museum of Newport Irish History is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate
research on Irish history and heritage.
A number of our Annual members remain lapsed and have not made a payment for the current Membership Year, which runs
Apr. 1, 2021 to Mar. 31, 2022.
Not sure of your Membership Status?
BEFORE making a renewal payment, please reach out to Ann and she’ll get back to you swiftly to confirm your status.
Thank you for your continued support of our Mission!